Wissenschaftliche Vorträge (ab 2019)


  • Zhang, Z., & Pieschl, S. (2024, November 21-22). How does asking for help affect bystanders’ self-reported behavioral intention in response to cyberbullying incidents? An experiment [Conference presentation]. 28. Workshop on Aggression, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
  • Hapsari, F. M., & Pieschl, S. (2024, September 25-27). Trust Dynamic in Pedagogical Agents: Will Anthropomorphism Help Against Trust Decline, and Boost Trust Recovery? [Conference presentation]. Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien 2024, Dresden, Germany.
  • Demir, A. S., Mattes, B., & Pieschl, S. (2024, September 11-13). Explain first or use the internet directly? [Conference presentation]. EARLI SIG 16 Conference, Heidelberg, Germany.
  • Mattes, B., Karkossa, J., & Pieschl, S. (2024, September 11-13). Information Problem Solving with the Internet Through the Lens of the Diminishing Criterion Model [Conference presentation]. EARLI SIG 16 Conference, Heidelberg, Germany.
  • Pieschl, S., Cremille, N., Gerheim, L., & Mattes, B. (2024, September 11-13). I Disgree, This Must Be Fake News! Metacognitive Judgments About Fake News Detection [Poster presentation]. EARLI SIG 16 Conference, Heidelberg, Germany.
  • Hapsari, F. M., Stemler, R. I., & Pieschl, S. (2024, July 24-27). Trust Resilience in Pedagogical Agents: Will Anthropomorphism Help Against Trust Decline? [Poster presentation]. CogSci 2024 – Dynamics of Cognition, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
  • Cremille, N., Mattes, B., & Pieschl, S. (2024, July 24-27). A Question of Beliefs. Metacognitive Judgments about Fake News Detection [Poster presentation]. CogSci 2024 – Dynamics of Cognition, Rotterdam, Netherlands.


  • Hapsari, F. M., & Pieschl, S. (2023, November 3-4). Trust Resilience in Pedagogical Agents: Will Anthropomorphism Help Against Trust Decline? [Conference presentation]. Psychology from The East, Psychology from The West International Conference 2023, Bali, Indonesia & Online (Hybrid).
  • Mattes, B. (2023, Oktober 16–19). Modes of information processing during knowledge acquisition using the internet [Poster presentation]. Cutting Gardens: Cutting-edge methods for M/EEG data analysis. https://cuttinggardens2023.org/gardens/frankfurt/
  • Zhang, Z, & Pieschl, S. (2023, 6.-8. September). An exploration of university students’ perceptions on contextual predictors of cyber-bystanders’ responses to cyberbullying on social media [Conference presentation]. 13th Conference of the Media Psychology Division (DGPs), Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
  • Hapsari, F. M., & Pieschl, S. (2023, 6.-8. September). Trust Resilience in Pedagogical Agents: Will Anthropomorphism Help Against Trust Decline? [Conference presentation]. 13th Conference of the Media Psychology Division (DGPs), Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
  • Pieschl, S., van Helden, I., Wunsch, S., Spatz, V., Wilhelm, T., & Mattes, B. (2023, 18.-20. September). Entwicklung und Validierung eines disziplinspezifischen „fixed vs. growth“ Mindset Fragebogens [Conference presentation]. 19. Fachgruppentagung Pädagogische Psychologie, Kiel, Germany.
  • Mattes, B., Ramolla, J., & Pieschl, S. (2023, 18.-20. September). Explanatory Knowledge: How to Counteract Overconfidence in Internet Searches [Poster presentation]. 19. Fachgruppentagung Pädagogische Psychologie, Kiel, Germany.
  • Pieschl, S., Goldstein, E. L., & Scholz, L. (2023, 22-26 August). Educational findings = common sense? The interplay of hindsight bias and educational misconceptions [Conference presentation]. 20th Biennial EARLI Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.


  • Pieschl, S., Spatz, V. & Wilhelm, T. (2022, 10.-15. September). People with “innate empathy” will be successful in a psychology study program? Discipline-specific mindsets of physics and psychology experts and novices. In B. Mattes (Chair), Accurate Metacognitive Judgments and Core Beliefs about Intelligence: How Accurate Representations Facilitate Learning [Symposium]. 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Hildesheim, Deutschland.
  • Mattes, B. & Pieschl, S. (2022, 10.-15. September). Does the internet distort metacognitive judgements? Experimental effects of aligning standards in explanatory knowledge questions. In B. Mattes (Chair), Accurate Metacognitive Judgments and Core Beliefs about Intelligence: How Accurate Representations Facilitate Learning [Symposium]. 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Hildesheim, Deutschland.
  • Zhang, Z. & Pieschl, S. (2022, 10.-15. September). How do university students perceive the importance of contextual predictors of cyber-bystanders' reactions to cyberbullying on social media? [Conference presentation]. 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Hildesheim, Deutschland.
  • Grebe, K., Glumann, N. & Pieschl, S. (2022, 10.-15. September). Are misconception questionnaires measuring real-life behavior? Evaluation of a new instrument targeting transfer of educational-psychological misconceptions [Conference presentation]. 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Hildesheim, Deutschland.
  • Münchow, H., Triffin-Richards, S., Fleischmann, L., Pieschl, S. & Richter, T. (2022, 10.-15. September). Are misconception questionnaires measuring real-life behavior? Förderung des Argumentverstehens und der Argumentbewertung bei Studierenden: Implementierung zweier Trainingsmaßnahmen in der Hochschullehre [Conference presentation]. 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Hildesheim, Deutschland.
  • Ahrens, K., Neumann, R., Werthern, N. V., Kranz, T., Kollmann, B., Mattes, B., Puhlmann, L., Weichert, D., Lutz, B., U., Fiebach, C., Wessa, M., Kalisch, R., Lieb, K. Chioccetti, A. G., Tüscher, O. Reif, A. & Plichta, M. (2022, 10.-15. September). Zusammenhang zwischen polygenen Risikoscores und Haarcortisol mit Verläufen der psychischen Gesundheit während des COVID-Lockdowns in Deutschland [Conference presentation]. 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Hildesheim, Deutschland.
  • Mattes, B. & Pieschl, S. (2022, 27.-30. Juli). An Alignment of Standards Enhances Metacognitive Judgment Accuracy in Explanatory Knowledge Tasks with Internet Search [Poster abstract]. 44th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Toronto, Canada. Link
  • Pieschl, S. & Mattes, B. (2022, 24. Juni). Which cues influence metacognitive judgments about information problem-solving with the internet? [Conference presentation]. SIG 16 Online Conference 2022.
  • Pieschl, S., Münchow, H., Tiffin-Richards, S. P., Fleischmann, L., & Richter, T. (2022, 27.-28. Mai). Förderung von Argumentverständnis und -bewertung: Ergebnisse der Implementierung zweier Online-Kurztrainings im Psychologiestudium [Konferenzbeitrag]. 14. Tagung für Psychologiedidaktik und Evaluation, Münster, Deutschland.


  • Dobbertin, N., Mattes, B. & Pieschl, S. (2021, Dezember 2-3). Generierung von Log-Files bei Onlineuntersuchungen durch Computer Vision [Conference presentation]. digiGEBF21 Thementagung Methodische Herausforderungen in der empirischen Bildungsforschung. Link
  • Zhang, Z., & Pieschl, S. (2021, November 4-6). University students’ perceptions of the contextual predictors of cyber-bystanders’ responses to cyberbullying on social media. Oral presentation at the 25th Workshop on Aggression 2021, University of Turku, Finland. https://woa2020.utu.fi/
  • Mattes, B., Bland, G.,Klon-Lipok, J., Singer, W. & Shapcott, K. (2021, Oktober). Influence of Isoluminance on Gamma Band Synchrony in Area V1 [Paper presentation]. 100. Tagung der Deutschen Physiologischen Gesellschaft, Frankfurt, Deutschland. Session Link
  • Lottermann, T., Frankenbach, J., & Pieschl, S. (2021, September 8-10). The Machine That Knows You: A New Paradigm to Study Human-AI Relations [Conference presentation]. 12th Media Psychology Conference, Aachen, Germany. http://mediapsych2021.rwth-aachen.de/
  • Pieschl, S. & Glumann, N. (2021, September 14-16). Reducing Developmental Psychology Misconceptions Via Refutational Teaching at University [Paper presentation]. Tagung der Fachgruppe Pädagogische Psychologie. https://www.ph-heidelberg.de/paepsy2021/startseite.html
  • Mattes, B. & Pieschl, S. (2021, September 14-16). With or without the Internet: Metacognitive Confidence Bias in Explanatory Knowledge Questions [Paper presentation]. Tagung der Fachgruppe Pädagogische Psychologie. https://www.ph-heidelberg.de/paepsy2021/startseite.html
  • Pieschl, S. & Glumann, N. (2021, August 23-27). Reducing Developmental Psychology Misconceptions Via Refutational Teaching at University [Paper presentation]. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. https://www.earli.org/
  • Mattes, B. & Pieschl, S. (2021, August 23-27). Can the Overestimation-with-Internet-Bias be reduced by making task demands explicit? [Paper presentation]. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. https://www.earli.org/
  • Glumann, N. & Pieschl, S. (2021, August 23-27). Does information literacy moderate the effectiveness of conceptual change to recude misconceptions? [Paper presentation]. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. https://www.earli.org/
  • Schmitz, B. & Mattes, B. (2021, August 23-27). The relationship between eudaimonic and hedonic motives and self-regulated learning. In T. Hascher (Chair), Emotional and motivational processes and their role for self-regulation of learning [Symposium]. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. https://www.earli.org/
  • Bellhäuser, H., Mattes, B., & Liborius, P. (2021, August 23-27). Daily fluctuations in motivation – A longitudinal diary study over an entire semester at university [Paper presentation]. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. https://www.earli.org/
  • Weiss, T., Yatsevich, D. & Mattes, B. (2021, Jun 2-5). Key burdens in Today's diabetes management: user needs and requeirements for diabetes apps and wearables [Poster presentation]. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, online. http://doi.org/10.1089/dia.2021.2525.abstracts
  • Pieschl, S. & Glumann, N. (2021, Mai). Does the accuracy of metacognitive judgments moderate the effects of refuting (pre-service) teachers’ psychological misconceptions? Vortrag auf der Earli SIG 16 Metacognition Konferenz.
  • Zhang, Z., & Pieschl, S. (2021, July 6-7). An exploration of the contextual predictors of cyber-bystanders’ responses to cyberbullying on social media: A qualitative study on university students’ perceptions [Work in progress presentation]. Vortrag der British Psychological Society Cyberpsychology Virtual Conference 2021. https://www.delegate-reg.co.uk/cyber2021/programme


  • Pieschl, S. (2020, Februar). Vorstellung eigener Forschung & Verbindung zu Cognitive Science. Vortrag bei dem Cognitive Science Lab Meeting am Institut für Psychologie, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Deutschland.
  • Carobolante, A., Mattes, B., & Pieschl, S. (2020, September). The impact of rewards on the Overestimation-with-Internet-Bias. Poster accepted for presentation at the EARLI SIG8&16 Meeting, Dresden, Germany.
  • Mattes, B., & Pieschl, S. (2020, September). Can the Overestimation-with-Internet-Bias be mitigated by making task demands explicit? Paper accepted for presentation at the EARLI SIG8&16 Meeting, Dresden, Germany.
  • Pieschl, S. & Glumann, N. (2020, September). Do epistemological beliefs predict students' metacognitive awareness of psychology misconceptions? Paper accepted for presentation at the EARLI SIG8&16 Meeting, Dresden, Germany.


  • Pieschl, S. & Budd, J. (2019, April). Seek, and you will find? Metacognitive judgments when answering knowledge questions with the Internet. Poster presented at the 2019 AERA Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
  • Pieschl, S., Budd, J., & Archer, J. (2019, April). Raising student teachers’ awareness of misconception regarding educational psychology. Poster presented at the 2019 AERA Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
  • Sivyer, D., & Pieschl, S. (2019, August). Secondary students’ epistemic thinking and year as predictors of critical source evaluation. Paper presented at the EARLI JURE 2019 Pre-Conference, Aachen, Germany.
  • Pieschl, S., & Budd, J. (2019, August). Everything is easy with the Internet! Conditions of metacognitive overestimation with Internet use. Paper presented at the 18th Biennial EARLI Conference, Aachen, Germany.
  • Pieschl, S., Budd, J., & Archer, J. (2019, August). Are pre-service teachers aware of their educational psychology misconceptions? Paper presented at the 18th Biennial EARLI Conference, Aachen, Germany.
  • Pieschl, S., & Budd, J. (2019, September). Do warfs standing on the shoulders of giants feel like giants themselves? – The case of answering questions with the Internet. Paper presented at the 11th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the DGPs, Chemnitz, Germany.
  • Pieschl, S. (2019, September). Diskussion des Symposiums “Selbstreguliertes Lernen als Prozess – Längsschnittliche Beschreibung, Vorhersage und Intervention.” Präsentation auf der PaePsy, Leipzig, Germany.
  • Pieschl, S., & Sivyer, D. (2019, September). Does secondary students' epistemic thinking predict their evaluation of blog posts? Paper presented at the paEpsy, 2019, Leipzig, Germany.
  • Mattes, B., Bellhäuser, H., Liborius, P., & Schmitz, B. (2019, September). Morgendliche Studienmotivation: Tagebuchstudie zum selbstregulierten Lernen von Studierenden über ein ganzes Semester. Variation: Noise or Norm? Tagung der Fachgruppen Pädagogische Psychologie und Entwicklungspsychologie (DGPs), Leipzig, Deutschland.
  • Pieschl, S., Budd, J., & Archer, J. (2019, September). Raising pre-service teachers' awareness of their educational psychology misconceptions. Paper presented at the ESPLAT Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands.