Franziska Ingendahl (née Schäfer) M.Sc.
Applied Cognitive Psychology
Working area(s)
work +49 6151 16-23859
S1|15 224
Alexanderstr. 10
Consultation hours by appointment by e-mail.
- Metacognition and Metamemory
- Learning and memory
- Reactive effects of metacognitive judgments
Since 2022 | Ph.D. student in Psychology, University of Mannheim and Technical University of Darmstadt |
2022 to 2023 | Graduate student, Center for Doctoral Studies in Social and Behavioral Sciences, Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences, University of Mannheim |
2020 to 2022 | Master of Science Psychology (Focus: Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience), Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena |
2017 to 2020 | Bachelor of Science Psychology, University of Mannheim |
Since 09/2023 | Research associate in the project “Metacognition in Human-AI Interaction” (funded by the Forum Interdisciplinary Research, Technical University of Darmstadt) |
Since 04/2023 | Doctoral researcher, Research Group Applied Cognitive Psychology, Technical University of Darmstadt |
2021 | Research intern, Chair for Cognition and Perception, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen |
2018 to 2022 | Student research assistant, Chair for Cognition and Individual Differences, University of Mannheim |
2024 | Doctoral scholarship awarded by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) |
2023 | Research Award of the Department of Human Sciences |
2023 | Travel grant of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) |
2023 | Graduate Conference Award of the Psychonomic Society |
2022 | 1-year full scholarship for Doctoral studies at the Center for Doctoral Studies in Social and Behavioral Sciences, Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences, University of Mannheim |
2022 | TeaP selected Poster Award (together with Prof. M. Undorf) of the section General Psychology of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) |
2022 | Travel grant for female students of the Equal Opportunities Office, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena |
Eberhart, J., Ingendahl, F., & Bryce D. (2025). Are metacognition interventions in young children effective? Evidence from a series of meta-analyses. Metacognition and Learning, 20(1), 7.
Ingendahl, F., & Undorf, M. (in press). Changes in learning strategies contribute to negative reactivity of immediate judgments of learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.
Ingendahl, M.*, Ingendahl, F.*, Woitzel, J., Alves, H., & Undorf, M. (2024). Bridging the gap between metamemory and attitude formation: Judgments of learning predict evaluative conditioning above and beyond memory. Collabra: Psychology 10(1), 117689.
Ingendahl, F., & Undorf, M. (2024). On the educational relevance of immediate judgment of learning reactivity: No effects of predicting one's memory for general knowledge facts. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 13(1), 113-123.
Undorf, M., Ingendahl, F., & Halamish, V. (2024). Making immediate judgments of learning either enhances or impairs memory: Evidence from 17 experiments with related and unrelated word pairs. Collabra: Psychology, 10(1), 117108.
* equal contribution
Schäfer, F., & Undorf, M. (2024, 11.-13.09.). Learning Strategies Explain Negative Effects of Soliciting Judgments of Learning on Memory [Poster presentation]. 11th SIG 16 International Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and In-struction (EARLI), Heidelberg, Germany.
Schäfer, F., & Undorf, M. (2024, 17.-20.03.). The role of learning strategies in reactivity of judgments of learning. In F. Schäfer & S.Navarro-Báez (Chairs), Recent Insights on the Basis, Accuracy, and Impact of Metacognitive Judgments [Symposium]. 66th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Regensburg Germany.
Schäfer, F., & Undorf, M. (2023, 16.-19.11..). Making Judgments of Learning During Learning Does Not Affect Performance in Short-Answer and Multiple-Choice Tests [Poster presentation]. 65th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, San Francisco, USA.
Schäfer, F., & Undorf, M. (2023, 23.-26.03.). Assessing Metamemory Beliefs with Indirect Measures [Talk]. 65th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
Schäfer, F., & Undorf, M. (2022, 24.06.). Making JOLs during learning does not affect performance in short-answer and multiple-choice tests. In D. Bryce (Chair), The basis, impact, and development of monitoring judgments: New experimental approaches in metamemory [Symposium]. 10th SIG 16 International Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI).
Schäfer, F., & Undorf, M. (2022, 20.-23.03.). Does Making Judgments of Learning Improve Performance for Educationally Relevant Material in Multiple-Choice and Short-Answer Tests? [Poster presentation]. 64th Conference of experimental psychologists (TeaP), Köln, Germany.
Schäfer, F., & Undorf, M. (2021, 14.-17.03.). Positive and Negative Reactivity in Judgments of Learning: Shared or Distinct Mechanisms? [Poster presentation]. 63rd Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Ulm, Germany.
- Experimental Psychology (BSc Psychology: 03-03-0001): Summer term 2023, Summer term 2024
- Experimental Psychological Internship (BSc Psychology: 03-03-0007): Winter term 2023/2024
Supervised theses
Bachelor theses
- Bai, M. (2024). Ein neuer Blick aufs Lernen? Wie persönliche Bedeutung und Judgments of Learning das Gedächtnis beeinflussen können.
- Gruber, L. (2024). Der Einfluss der Abgabe von Judgments of Learning auf das Lernen von Gebäude-Höhe-Paaren: Eine Untersuchung anhand visueller und numerischer Informationen.
- Rahnamaei, N. (2024). Reflektieren beim Lernen: Der Einfluss von Judgement of learning auf die Lernleistung mit bildungsrelevanten Materialien. Welche Relevanz haben Lernstrategien im Studium in diesem Zusammenhang?
- Scherer, L. N. (2024). Reflektieren beim Lernen: Der Einfluss von Judgement of learning auf die Lernleistung mit bil-dungsrelevanten Materialien. Welche Relevanz hat „actively open minded thinking“ in diesem Zusammenhang?
- Witoszek, J. (2024). Beeinflussen Judgments of Learning mittels reaktiver Effekte das Gedächtnis beim Lernen bildungsrelevanter Inhalte? Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel von Stichwortdefinitionen.
Master theses
- Auer, S. (2024). Die Auswirkungen von Gamification auf den Lernerfolg: Eine Untersuchung der Quiz-App “StudyMate“.
- Herklotz, C. (2024). Lernen im organisationalen Weiterbildungskontext: eine Interviewstudie zu Zielen und der Nutzung von Metakognition.