Concepts are the building blocks of knowledge. We study how new concepts are learned and how these concepts are rooted in perception. We are also interested in how concept formation and problem solving interact.

More broadly, the lab works on

  • Perception & Psychophysics,
  • Concepts & Categories,
  • and Reasoning & Problem Solving.

Our general approach is to try and combine insights from experimental psychology and artificial intelligence (machine learning in particular) to build models of higher cognition.

The lab is associated with the Centre for Cognitive Science and the Hessian Center for Artificial Intelligence.


July 2024: Another conference summer. Christina will kick it off and present her work at MathPsych/ICCM. You can also meet some of us at CogSci, Analogy 2024, and ESSLI.

May 2024: Vildan presents a paper on Human-AI Collaboration at CHI 2024.

May 2024: New paper in Cognitive Science on solving Bongard Problems.

March 2024: Thea successfully defended her thesis. Congratulations!

October 2023: Frank attends the Inductive Programming workshop in Dagstuhl.

June 2023: Vildan presents her work on Human-AI Interaction for Guesstimation problems at the International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence.

June 2022: New paper in Thinking and Reasoning on solving Sudokus.

January 2021: WhiteBox – LOEWE Research Cluster on explainable models for AI launched

October 2020: Christina joined our team as a PhD student working on criterion learning. Welcome!

May 2020: Frank participates in the panel discussion on „Natural vs. Artificial Intelligence“ at the Neurizons 2020 conference.

April 2020: Claire joined our team as PhD student in the PlexPlain project. Welcome!

October 2019: We're looking for another PhD student to join us in a project on learning in models of perceptual decision making: read the job ad. This is a joint project together with Maik Stüttgen at the University of Mainz.

October 2019: Frank participates in a science-policy workshop on the Organisation of the Future in the face of modern AI.

September 2019: Vildan joined our team as a PhD student. Welcome!

May 2019: The Centre for Cognitive Science participates in the RMU science days and gives insights into modern AI.

March 2019: Frank gave a lecture on Bayesian Reverse-Engineering in Cognitive Science at the International Interdisciplinary Computational Cognitive Science Spring School

January 2019: Thea joined our team as a PhD student. Welcome!

December 2018: Two of our papers came out (not representative of what we usually do): A Textual Recommender System for Clinical Data & A stochastic model of myeloid cell lineages in hematopoiesis and pathway mutations in acute myeloid leukemia.

November 2018: Frank gave talks in Lausanne and Bern on Bayesian Reverse Engineering in Cognitive Science.

October 2018: Max started as a PhD student in the lab. Welcome!

September 2018: Frank visited Peking University.

September 2018: We helped organize the biannual conference of the German Cognitive Science Society: KogWis 2018.

August 2018: Frank gave an invited talk at Fechner Day 2018.

July 2018: We are looking for PhD students and post docs to join the lab. Please contact us if you're interested. The application deadline is end of July.